Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Here I am transmitting from my collective transducer, otherwise known as my ass.  Okay, had to get that out of the way.

In my other blog I mentioned about Going Camping. Yes, that good ole boy from Oakland California, Harold Camping. He famously beamed his collective waves to followers who tuned into the Rapture channel.

The Rapture came and went and we are all left behind to suffer in this apocalyptic world. Truth is, life is, and will always be hard. The only escape is drugs, sex, and rock and roll. I shortened the list because we can all relate to that little ditty.

The only thing that got raptured was people's hard earned money that went up in smoke, or Camping's bank account. I just learned that he suffered a stroke. Well, he is 80 plus years old and just by the looks of him, they should call him Dr. Death. 

In a way, he did cause people to die to escape the horrors of this world. I believe one follower leaped to his death and a mother of several children was stopped before killing them with slashes to their throats. Egads!

Funny thought came into my head. These people were raptured with the thought of the Rapture.
I suppose that is some kind of euphoria or a high? I have heard of the "rapture of the deep". That's when divers experience a kind of high due to the pressure on their bodies. The technical term is called, "nitrogen narcosis".

But, enough of this. I wanted to get some use of my blog. Afterall, I set it up in 2008 and did nothing with it. I didn't even know how and still do not know. All I did that was semi-cool was cut and paste a link on the other blog. Woo hoo...I'm an experienced coder and blogger....haha..

Does anybody read this stuff? 

Oh, if you are so inclined to demonstrate with signs and pickets like in the good old 60's, please be aware of the Active Denial Systems. That's a euphemism for microwave beams to disperse crowds. It's very painful even from hundreds of yards away. I would guess that protection from this would be to cover yourself with aluminum foil to absorb the radiation. Perhaps some sort of eye and head protection with a semi-metalic shield for the eyes, like an astronaut would wear or cool looking reflective glasses. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gig or Jig

A fitting title to end the confusion of the proper pronounciation of gig or jig.
Gig, a prefix added to the words "Hertz" and "Cycle" is a numerical term for billion.

Like megahertz and megacycles. I heard the term, "Jigawatts" used by the scientist, Emmett Brown, the character in the movie, " Back To The Future". 

With all the concern about cellphones causing cancer due to microwave radiation, I thought I would mention it here in the K Collective.

Microwaves operate in the gigahertz range and so do computers. Their microprocessor clock cycles or speed is what gives it's computing power. Any vibration that exceeds about 100,000 cycles or 100 kilohertz generates radio waves.

The human brain operates between four to five hundred cycles per second. That is in the audio spectrum close to the key of "A" or 440 Hertz.

While talking on a cellphone when driving is obviously dangerous, it was thought talking at the same time was a distraction to the driver. I speculated it was interference from the cellphone on the brain. I believe this theory has been corroborated by studies, but it makes a lot of sense.
Microwave radiation is harmful to the human brain even at low power ranges. 

The Klystron power tube pictured on this blog operates somewhere in the kilowatt range. Extremely dangerous to humans who are in the way or in close proximity.

When NASA sends signals to their deep space probes they use acre size microwave dishes
at the megawatt level. All air traffic is cleared before making transmissions so as not  to fry any pilot flying above. Of course, any fowl in the air is instantly Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Well, enough of my microwave rants and technical mumbo jumbo.

See you later.

Ending Transmission.........

P.S.  If someone could clarify if it's GIG or JIG would surely be appreciated..